Mental Health Services
Services that provide mental health counseling support groups or information (plus many private practitioners - see Yellow Pages)
Catholic Family Service
(701) 235-4457
Clay County Social Services
(218) 299-5200
FirstLink HelpLine – Fargo/Moorhead Area
(701) 235-7335
Fargo VA Medical Center Mental Health
(701) 239-3700 Ext. 9-315
Gamblers Choice
(701) 235-7341
Lakeland Mental Health Center (outpatient, resident of MN)
(218) 233-7524
Lost & Found Ministry
(218) 287-2089
Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota
(218) 236-1494
Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota
(701) 235-7341
Mental Health Association
(701) 237-5871
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-TALK
Not Invisible Any More (NIAM)
(701) 540-6344
Rape & Abuse Crisis Center
(701) 293-7273
Rural Enrichment and Counseling Hqtrs., Inc.(REACH) (Hawley)
(218) 483-3145
Senior Care Unit Prairie St. John's
(701) 476-7216
(218) 287-4338
Southeast Human Service Center (Cass)
(701) 298-4500
Vosburg Counseling for Seniors
(701) 235-2092